Saturday, October 16, 2010

Tips To Slim Down Without Hunger (Really..!!)

Today, there are many ways to lose weight or lose body fat weight. Many people do not know how to succeed in the diet without starving themselves. In the battle to lose weight, you should be able to eat meals and regular exercise.

Here are some tips for healthy weight loss with certain foods and vegetables that will increase your weight loss if they eat well and practice these simple rules:

Sources of protein: chicken, turkey breast, salmon, ground beef, egg whites and lean ground turkey.

Carbohydrate Source: Potatoes with bacon, sweet potatoes, pumpkins, squash, brown rice, pasta, oatmeal, barley, beans, apples, nonfat yogurt and whole wheat bread

, Animal or vegetable: broccoli, asparagus, lettuce, carrots, cauliflower, green peppers, green beans, spinach, peas, tomatoes, cabbage, celery, zucchini and cucumber

As you eat a meal you want to eat some of which is the size of your fist. Eat a serving of protein, a serving of complex carbs and a serving of vegetables every 3-4 hours. Eat 5-6 meals a day if possible. Here, we keep your body full of food needed, allowing energy to build and burned.

After 3pm, just wants to eat a serving of protein and a serving of vegetables at each meal. When you cook your food, you only want to use olive oil and fat free dressings. Olive oil is pure, with no saturated fat and dressing.

So when you cook your meals, you have to bake, broil, steam or broil. When you bake, broil, steam or grill, leaving the gradual increase of fat. It also allows you to savor the texture and flavor. By chewing food, you want to follow, chew, chew, swallow technique. This will increase your taste buds to be more satisfied.

You can also take a protein shake as part too. The drink is more efficient than required, however, is water. Drink one gallons 48-100 ounces of water per day (more if you can). Start slowly and add more each week.

Now, here is your special gift. Choose one day per week (or 2 if necessary) to use as “eating days.” Eat anything and everything that I want to … and I mean nothing! It not only helps to maintain mental health, but helps also keep the body guessing, if it continues to accelerate your metabolism.

But above all, is all about exercise, I repeat, must have some kind of exercise into your daily routine. Just 30 minutes a day to work. A walk in the neighborhood, running on the treadmill, aerobics, weightlifting or some ways to exercise and increase weight loss.

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