Monday, October 18, 2010


Lycopene is a Carotinoids (a red pigment) will appear in red tomatoes and other fruits. Lycopene is a powerful antioxidant. Lycopene is a derivative of tomatoes is responsible for rendering many vegetables and fruits a healthy red color. This natural substance is an unsaturated carotenoid pigment, like beta-carotene. While Lycopene has no vitamin A activity, research has shown that one of the most important natural antioxidants, which today. Lycopene in tomatoes can be absorbed by the body as efficiently processed into juice, sauce and ketchup. The chemical form of Lycopene found in tomatoes is transformed with changes in temperature involved in the treatment of this just by the body. Lycopene has been linked with a reduced risk of macular degenerative diseases, serum lipid oxidation and cancer of the lung, bladder, cervix and skin. Lycopene is a powerful anti-oxidant that can help to promote the health of the heart, prostate, skin and eyes.

Lycopene is usually stored in blood and tissues, such as testicular cancer, adrenal gland, liver, prostate, breast, colon and lungs. Lycopene is a fat soluble substance, which requires the presence of dietary fat for proper inclusion in the body. A low fat diet may be harmful to the bodyĆ¢ € ™ s ability to Lycopene. Also, certain cholesterol-lowering medicine, fortified with plant sterols margarines such as Benecol synthetic, and fat substances such as Olestra can also reduce bodyĆ¢ € ™ s ability to Lycopene. Lycopene also a reduction of lipids by oxidation, which suggests a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease. Lycopene is currently being evaluated for possible protective role in the prevention of cancer, cervix, prostate, pancreas and stomach cancers.

Lycopene Benefits:

A powerful antioxidant, helps to neutralize free radicals that damage cells in the body.

Reduce the risk of developing coronary heart disease and stroke.

The Lycopene helps to reduce damage to the skin by regeneration of new skin cells.

Lycopene has been deposited in the liver, lung, prostate, colon and skin.

Lycopene is associated with reduced risk for macular degenerative diseases.

Contributions to promote the health of the heart.

Lycopene precautions:

Question the advice of a doctor before using this product.
Keep out of reach of children.
Lycopene rates:

As a food supplement, take a soft gel per day, with meals.


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