Saturday, October 16, 2010

Cancer Treatment and Prevention

Cancer is a class of diseases or disorders that are spread by uncontrolled division of cells and the capacity of the latter, identified either by direct growth into adjacent tissue through invasion or by implantation into distant sites by metastasis (where cancer cells through blood or transported to lymphoid Systems). Cancer can affect people of all age groups, but the risk increases with age. There are many types of cancer. Most cancers are named for where they start. For example, lung cancer starts in the lung and breast cancer starts in the chest. The spread of cancer from one body part to another, called metastasis. The severity of symptoms depends on thivision. Many mutation events may turn serves as a normal cell into a tumor cell. This tissue is obtained by biopsy or surgery. . These mutations can be caused, cause cancer by radiation, chemicals or physical agents that may be carcinogenic, or by certain viruses that can insert their DNA into the human genome. Mutations occur spontaneously and can be transmitted from one cell to the next generation as a result of mutations in germ cell lines. However, some carcinogens seems non-mutagenic pathways that affect the level of transcription of certain genes without working genetic mutation. Cancer Treatment The cancer can be treated with surgery, chemotherapy or radiotherapy, immunotherapy, monoclonal antibody therapy or other methods. Chemotherapy is the treatment of cancer with drugs (“anticancer drugs”) to destroy cancer cells. It interferes with cell division in different ways, eg with the duplication of DNA or the separation of newly formed chromosomes. Most forms of chemotherapy target all rapidly dividing cells and not specific to cancer cells. has the potential to cause damage to healthy tissue from chemotherapy, particularly those tissues, a high replacement rates (eg Intestinal mucosa). These cells usually repair themselves after chemotherapy. The treatment of certain leukemias and lymphomas requires the use of high dose chemotherapy and total body irradiation (TBI). This ablation treatment of bone marrow and thus the body’s ability to recover and repopulate the blood. Radiation therapy (also radiation, X rays or irradiation) is the use of ionizing radiation to kill cancer cells and shrink tumors one. Radiation can be external radiotherapy (EBRT) or internally managed by brachytherapy. The effect of radiotherapy are localized and limited to the treated area. Protection against radiation. hormone-sensitive tumors include certain types of breast cancer and prostate cancer. Removing or blocking estrogen or testosterone is often an important additional treatment. remove painkillers such as morphine and oxycodone, and antiemetics, drugs to treat nausea and vomiting are not used very often in patients with symptoms related to cancer. Cancer is curable if it can be completely removed by surgery, but this is not always possible. If the cancer in other parts of the body before the operation, metastases complete surgical excision is usually impossible. Cancer Prevention Cancer prevention and active measures to reduce the incidence of cancer defined. Much of the promise for cancer prevention comes from observational studies, epidemiological studies that show correlations between lifestyle factors and modifiable environmental influences, and certain cancers. Use of exogenous hormones, exposure to ionizing radiation and ultraviolet radiation, certain occupational hazards and chemicals and infectious pathogens. Alcohol consumption, smoking (although 20% of women with lung cancer have never smoked, compared to 10% of men. Cancer, however, compared with tobacco exposure, the magnitude the effect of modest or small and the strength of evidence is often weaker take. Do not they have banned alcohol and tobacco.


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