1) Keep your sleep pattern. Can not stay awake during the weekend, and suddenly on Monday morning, rises as new. If you enjoy going out or staying up late on Fridays and Saturdays, go to bed early Sunday morning to wake up more rested.
2) Avoid sugar and caffeine. Eat foods with protein and some fat in the morning. The brain needs protein and the body stores it. You do not have to eat much, just a glass of low fat milk, a piece of cheese or a handful of nuts will keep you active, instead of carbohydrates like donuts.
3) Take a nap from 5 to 10 minutes after lunch. Even if you close your eyes and let your mind flow, you will feel more refreshed in the afternoon. This also works for any time that you can not concentrate on reading the same thing over and over again. Resist the temptation and completely relax for a while.
4) Drink more water and fluids. I know, everyone says to drink more fluids. But most Americans are in a constant state of dehydration by drinking coffee, tea and caffeinated sodas. This is very stressful to the kidneys and can cause irritation to the bladder. Keep a water bottle full of your favorite flavor or just plain water and keep it with you at all times. Set a target-empty for lunch, filled again and again to empty when the work is completed. Bring plenty of water in the car for you and your family.
5) Exercise regularly. Easier said than done with a busy schedule. Not exercise because of shortness of breath and her heart beat fast when performing simple tasks, like climbing a ladder or do housework. Park farther away from the supermarket when shopping and walk. Remove dust from your exercise machine or buy yourself a workout tape for when this ugly climate. Be an example to the rest of his family and they may join your business!
6) A joke a day keeps the doctor away. Seriously, laughter has many beneficial effects on the body. Chemicals in the brain to experience pleasure, happiness, and peace increase with laughter. Do you live alone? Get a funny movie or watch a light comedy on television. Nothing sarcastic or humiliating.
7) Avoid confrontations and situations with negative people. You know who they are. They’re not going to change, and discouraged. The complainers, gossipers, and generally unhappy souls with whom we have to deal every day, absorb our energy if we let them. Be polite and avoid discussing or hooked to their constant problems.
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