Saturday, June 4, 2011

Keeping Fit, Even With Seasonal Allergies

At last, sum­mer is here and it makes you want to get out­doors and go for a run. But for fit­ness seek­ers who suf­fer from sea­sonal aller­gies, the balmy sum­mer days can mean a blast of sea­sonal allergies.

sneeze Keeping Fit, Even With Seasonal Allergies Allergy symp­toms are trig­gered by our own immune system’s effort to expel a for­eign sub­stance, such as pollen, dust or ani­mal dan­der. When an aller­gen finds its way in to the body, spe­cial cells, called mast cells release his­t­a­mine and other chem­i­cals, which ini­ti­ate reac­tions designed to dis­lodge the anti­gen, includ­ing sneez­ing, and water­ing of the eyes and nose. The symp­toms of aller­gies, runny nose, itchy eyes, sneez­ing and snif­fling,

Friday, January 21, 2011

Health Tips - Normal Bedtime For Men

Sleep in teenagers - young adults (16-30 yr.) Has a different pattern than any other age. This is caused by hormonal changes that occur at the end of puberty. At this time they experienced a shift in circadian rhythm, so hours of sleep was shifted.

In general, the need to increase to 8.5 to 9.25 hours of sleep each day. But his sleep time changed, new drowsiness attacked around midnight, where someone else was asleep. When other people getting sleepy at 21:00 or 22:00, a young man eager to work exactly new, either studying or completing a job.

While in the morning had to get up early to prepare for school, college or work. In general, young people actually experience lack of sleep, so many of those who fall asleep in class or nodding off in office. Not to mention because social demands are tempting to "play" to dissolve, even in the morning.

Not surprisingly, if at the end of the week we met many young people that sleep up to much during the day. Sleep debt is allowed to accumulate throughout the week paid in a single day.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

What makes a woman's body attractive?

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. At least, that's what we like to think, given that our society is made up of people of all shapes, colours and sizes. After all, what's attractive to one person doesn't necessarily appeal to the next.

When it comes to the female form, however, scientists believe they've discovered exactly what most people - men and women - like. The results, however, may not be quite what you'd think.

Researchers, whose study has just been published in the Journal of Evolutionary Biology, scanned the bodies of 96 women aged between 20 and 49. So that the results would be free from racial or cultural bias, the scans were shown both to Chinese and Australian volunteers, each of whom had to rate each body scan's attractiveness on a scale of one to seven.

The results were pretty consistent between all the volunteers, whether they were male, female, Chinese or Australian.

Unsurprisingly, scans of the younger, taller and lighter women were rated as the most attractive. Women with narrow waists scored more highly too. But if you thought long legs or pert boobs would be right up there on the list of top attractions, you'd be wrong. Instead long arms - particularly on taller women - were given the thumbs up.

It's hardly good news for shorties with stubby arms who are the wrong side of 25. But can you ever define attractiveness on body parts alone? Isn't that oversimplifying matters in the extreme?

Tell us what you find attractive.